Supporting a Generation of Champions

Liability Release

For your application to be considered, all sailors (skipper and crew)
must submit the following items after you apply:

Liability Release (this page), Medical Release, and Entry Fee

In order for your application to be processed, you are required to submit a liability release form, medical release form and a check (payable to CISA) for $375 for Laser and Radial sailors, and $750 for Club 420, International 420, CFJ, and 29er teams.  Both competitors must have a signed liability release and medical release on file to participateApplications will not be considered without payment.

For your convenience, we have provided a liability release form below.  The Medical Release is available here. Please print out, complete, and return it with check to address listed below.

LIABILITY RELEASE: (Sailors under the age of 18 must have a parent/guardian's signature.)  I understand that skippers and crews sail entirely at their own risk, and that neither the CISA, ABYC, or other host clubs, their Directors or Officers, not the organizing bodies or committees or individuals appointed or volunteering for the CLINIC accept any liability for damage, material or personal, suffered during the CLINIC or at any other time.

Print Name: ___________________________________

Dated: __________  Applicants Signature(s): ____________________________

Print Name: ___________________________________

If under 18, parent/guardian's signature: _________________________________

Please send completed form and check to:    Marylee Goyan
PO Box 180580
Coronado, CA 92178
EMail: [email protected]
