Supporting a Generation of Champions

CISA Multihull Clinic
November 25-27, 2005
Alamitos Bay Yacht Club

Nov. 30, 2005
CISA's First Multihull Clinic a Windblown Success

LONG BEACH, Calif.---The winning program that has developed some of America's best sailors over 28 years---the California International Sailing Association's annual Advanced Racing Clinic---has a new version off to a promising start.

CISA's first Multihull Clinic brought 15 select young prospects from around the country to Alamitos Bay Yacht Club over the Thanksgiving weekend for three days of intense instruction by world class competitors. The clinic director was Pete Melvin, current and two-time world A-Cat champion, assisted by Olympic medalists Jay and Pease Glaser and Bob Merrick.

"There's very little youth multihull sailing in this country and no infrastructure for it," Melvin said. "If a young sailor wants to sail multihulls he has to get into an adult class. We're hoping to develop youth multihull fleets around the country."

The 15 students ages 14 to 17 included three girls, one of whom---Sarah Newberry of Florida ---was on the first-place boat in the informal closing regatta on the final day. All sailed a variety of Hobie 16s loaned by the manufacturer and local owners, plus a Hobie Tiger, the Formula 18 with a spinnaker. Skippers and crews switched positions about halfway through the regatta to give everyone a chance to steer and crew, so results were ambiguous.

The second day started with light westerly winds of 6 to 8 knots that switched to northwester lies reaching 20-plus knots---a test for the youngsters, some of whom were catamaran rookies. Although capsizing is often part of the multihull game, the instructors soon beached the fleet.

"We could see sand blowing off the beach," Melvin said. "But the kids had a good time. They wanted to go back out."

Buoyed by the success of the initial Multihull Clinic, CISA plans to make it an annual event on an expanded scale.

Pictures by Jeremy Laundergan







Pictures from Bob Merrick





Original Announcement

Why Multihulls?
CISA sees a need to foster future multihull sailors under the expert guidance of experienced coaches. ISAF and US SAILING hold annual championships for youths in multihulls and some kids just like to go fast! Apply your dinghy skills to multihulls for a unique experience.

20 sailors will be selected by application submissions, due November 1, 2005. Sailors must be at least 13 years old and weigh 120 lbs. You can submit by team or if you don�t have a teammate, CISA will pair you up with another sailor accepted to the clinic.

Pete Melvin, Jonathan Farrar, Bob Merrick and Jay/Pease Glaser will be the all-star coaches. All have exceptional multihull and dinghy experience including National, World and Olympic titles in multihulls.

10 Hobie 16�s will be provided for the weekend, loaned by local owners. As with any boat charter, please be respectful of the boats.

Friday, Nov. 25
8am � be ready to start! The boats will be there and rigged.

Saturday, Nov. 26
8am or on directions from the coaching staff

Sunday, Nov. 27
8am or on directions from the coaching staff
Earlier cut-off depending on travel plans
Lunch and dinners will be provided beginning Friday.

Liability Forms:
Each sailor will need a liability form. Please make sure your parents sign and return before the clinic or bring it with you. You cannot sail unless this form is in our hands before you hit the water!

Checks: Each sailor needs to bring a check, payable to CISA for $150 to cover clinic costs.

Gear: Boats and sails are provided. Crews need your trap harness and any other gear you need to sail all day�and don�t forget your life jacket!

Still have questions?
Call or e-mail:
Jerelyn Biehl - [email protected]
day: 619-224-6998
evening: 619-226-2490

Application Form (MS Word .doc)
Liability/Medical Release

